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iv. Religious Faith as a Window Upon Meaning

Christian and Catholic faith find the basis for these particular human characteristics in the very first chapter of the Bible which depicts God creating humankind in the divine image and likeness (Genesis 1.26)

After creating the array of beings that fill our universe God then creates creatures that can marvel at its beauty, complexity and ingenuity. Each one of us contains a spark of divinity that resonates with structure, order and purpose. But we are far more than walking, talking brains. We are also spirits rooted in diversity and complementarity, male and female, to live with and out of companionship and love ((Gen 2.18-26). This desire is implanted in every cell of our body, a source of longing for the unimaginable and the ineffable – to touch the divine from which we came forth. Yet we are also free – the source of so much pain and destructiveness in the world.

This great revelation of the mystery of humankind as an imprint of God expands even further out of the teaching of Jesus Christ, coming from the heart of the Godhead, revealing that the inner essence of God is pure relationship, three equal, eternal beings whose very existence is Giving, Receiving and Being Love.

Source: Catholic Discovery

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