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God Wants to Speak to You

Central to Christianity is the belief that God has spoken face to face with us in Jesus Christ. In one word – Jesus – God has communicated so much to us. The mountains, the sea and all the beauty God created for us on earth will speak to us.

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Who can measure sin?

Many of our actions have a multitude of outcomes, some predictable, some not. Often there are elements of risk. Such uncertainty is truer when weighing up motivations. Are you bold enough to precisely explain what precisely lies behind each of your actions”?

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Resurrection in the Gospels

The resurrection lies at the heart of Christian faith. How is it possible that Jesus rose from the grave?

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United by Eucharist

Eucharist has the power of bringing us together. When celebrating communion, what can we do but reach out and extend welcome to all who are present.

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Education – A Window to Wider Worlds

Do you ever reflect that being with technology isn’t actually alone time for our children? Are we feeding an addiction and reducing a capacity?

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Searching for Happiness

Christian faith believes that God, in the person of Jesus Christ, took his place in our life journeys. To hold on to this conviction helps us to live with happiness.

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The Importance of Baptism

Baptism brings us life and vitality. It also embodies welcoming. Most importantly it involves our giving up the injustices and exploitations that we may exert.

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Is it Wise to Commit Oneself to Marriage Forever?

There are risks with everything we commit to. A shared faith helps bind us together however we always need love to be strong as one.

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Marriage as a Sacrament

Counsellors say that marriages that survive begin the day with an embrace and end it in the same way.

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The mystery of death

What is the difference between healing and curing? Can we make sense of the obscurity that becomes all of us?

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What is the Catholic Understanding of Judgment After Death?

In the end do we as Christians actually face judgement? Our goal should be one of dedicating our lives to finding the truth.

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We are God’s Work of Art?

Within each of our communities and families, there may dwell Rembrandts, Manets, Van Goghs and Picassos - all so different in shape, form and colour yet each presenting a striking impression of the richness and diversity of life.

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Resurrection changes the way we see the world

The news of Jesus’s resurrection came as something beyond belief. Once the Disciples saw him, everything changed. They clung unshakeably to their belief. Though they were uneducated, they preached and wrote and travelled to far off countries to spread the word of Jesus’s rising from the dead.

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Suicide – A Grim Statistic

New Zealand has one of the world’s highest rates of teenage suicides. Also grim is that between a third and a half of young people will inflict self-harm during their teenage years. Has the flickering flame of hope in life has been snuffed out by the winds of today’s culture?

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Finding Consolation in Grief

Grief affects us all and touches us in different ways. No matter how low you feel when you’re grieving you, will at some point, start to feel better. You will learn to carry on living your life, while holding on to and treasuring what may be special and important memories.

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Why Community Is So Critical Today

St Paul described those who collectively followed Jesus as being ‘the body of Christ’. Out of this vision he explained how Jesus’ death and resurrection had drawn together a new nation that affirmed the dignity and value of each human life anew.

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Forgiveness brings healing

While Christ stood dying on the cross, the watching crowd had no idea of how the death of this innocent man would ultimately inspire millions to worship the image of his cross.

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What is at the heart of sin?

Sin can be seen as a disease of the heart. All cultures are shaped by love. Love sits at every table. Efforts to confine it to family, clan or nation, never succeed. Love sees through; as Aristotle pointed out, even thieves love one another.

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Heaven – A Catholic Understanding

Christian belief about heaven is that it is a place where humans will see God to the fullest extent to which they are able, and love God with every spark of their being.

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Life of Faith - Booklet

This set of ten instruction booklets is for those who want to look more closely at what it means to be Catholic. They are a good statement of Catholic beliefs, with prayers, bible passages and thoughtful questions. Download the first booklet.

Register for the next 9 booklets to be emailed to you.

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